Contemplate on these for a better insight into your own mind.
"God", the most misunderstood word in the world.
God has abundant patience. That is why we have so much confusion in
this world.
In God alone we find true solace and comfort. Not our of fear, but
out of love.
God was not our invention, but discovery.
God does not interfere with our lives as much as we wish Him to.
It is not the ocean but the river which seems to make the journey.
But in reality it is the water from the ocean that becomes the rives
and goes back to its source.
The easiest way to reach God is constant meditation and repetition
and remembrance of His name and Splendor. This is simple to remember
but not easy to practice.
To define God is like trying bring the ocean into in a small circle.
To describe the splendor of God is like trying to measure the
distances of the universe.
When you think that you know Him, you really do not know Him. To know
that you do not know Him, but to be aware that you can know Him only
when you want to be like Him and truly become like Him, is the first
step towards Self-realization. |